It's been a while since I've been blogging. A lot has changed since. We'll, I've quit my job and am now the proud mama of a preschooler. Where has the time gone?!? It has been a wonderful 2-weeks and I am loving it! Of course given that I am at home....sitting, thinking, wondering "what if?", a thought crossed my mind. What about starting a business? Just a little something to start on the side. But what would I do? What do I LOVE? Then it hit me. I'm not called 'Pink Cupcake Momma' for nothing!! Soooo, I'm in the works of starting a home business. CUPCAKES!!!
I'll have more later. And even maybe a website- if I can pull my husband away from his own time devoted to his business. So I'm crossing my fingers that my idea will come to fruition. Because nothing makes me happier than cupcakes and baking them =)